Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcome to the Ministry of Walking

The Ministry of Walking to encourage you to participate in the pleasurable act of walking.

Please visit our main website, www.ministryofwalking.ca, choose one of the walk guidelines and undertake a walk. After the completion of your walk please log on to the Ministry of Walking web site forum and add your description, drawings, maps or whatever form of documentation you choose to portray the experience of your walk for future viewers of the site. Choose another one, and undertake a different walk the next day. Invent your own walks and tell us about them.


videodoes said...

A blister-less new year to everyone that walks a lot.

I went on an organized walk by simon pope.
(more info at http://www.ambulantscience.org/projects.html)

People were coupled up and went on a walk through woodlands. While walking each person was asked to talk about on other walk they did through a different woodland. The memory of a walk and the immediate landscape started intersecting. One used real landmarks to describe a former space.
I enjoyed having an other person giving me the time to talk and having an open ear to talk to. It was interesting how hard it was not to fall in to an anecdotal mode (which I did multiple times). To separate once personal feelings from a environment around us seemed almost impossible. I was surprised though (once leaving the anecdotes behind) how much I enjoyed the pure distributions of details like color, smell, textures.


Jon Knowles studio said...

a valuable resource for everyone.

any walks coming up at an oil field?